Benefits of a Professional Pet Sitter

benefits of a professional pet sitter

More and more pet owners see the benefits of hiring a professional pet sitter for their pet care needs. Pet parents who want the best care for their pets, and who want the peace of mind that comes from using an educated, responsible pet-care provider, are using professional pet sitters.

Is pet sitting the right choice for you?

If you work, or need to travel (whether for business or pleasure), and need to be away from your pets, you’ve likely considered various pet care options.

The first option is boarding your pets. Options for boarding include a kennel, doggy daycare, veterinary office, pet hotel, or a private boarding facility.

The second option is to ask a family member, friend, or neighbor to check on your pets in your home.

The third option for pet care is hiring a professional pet sitter.

Hiring a professional pet sitter has many benefits for both the pets and the pet parents.

benefits of a professional pet sitter

Benefits of a professional pet sitter for your pets include:

  • Diet and exercise routines remain uninterrupted
  • No exposure to other animals who may be ill or may not be properly vaccinated
  • Less stress and anxiety
  • No stressful car rides to a boarding facility
  • No sleeping in unfamiliar surroundings
  • Pets get individualized attention and care from their pet sitter
  • Any medical treatments can remain on schedule
  • Pets get to stay home, in their comfort zone, where they are familiar with the sights, sounds, and smells

Benefits of a professional pet sitter for the pet parents include:

  • No need to drop off your pets anywhere before you begin your trip or pick them up after; they will be right at home when you return
  • No need to pack up food, toys, and medications (and possibly forgetting something) to send with your pet
  • Pets suffer less anxiety in the comfort of their own home and familiar surroundings
  • No need to rely on untrained or unwilling family, friends, or neighbors who may be too busy themselves
  • No change in diet, exercise, or medication routines
  • Dog walking services is also a form of pet sitting, which allows your dog to get much-needed exercise and attention if you work long hours
  • Your professional pet sitter also offers home security and can give your home that “lived-in look” in your absence by alternating lights, TV/radio, watering plants, and bringing in the mail and/or newspaper
  • Coming home to a clean home and a happy pet at the end of your trip
  • Knowing your pets are under the experienced supervision of a licensed, bonded, and insured professional who is also pet first aid and CPR trained

These are just a few of many benefits to hiring a professional pet sitter. Once you find a professional pet sitter that is right for you, you’ll never have to worry about being away from your pets again!

If you’re ready to get started with Comfort Zone Critter Care, schedule your FREE in-home Meet and Greet Consultation HERE.